My Yummy Local Life

Hubby with a tumbleweed on the farm :)

Hubby with a tumbleweed on the farm 🙂

So I moved to Arizona, in case you didn’t know, from North Carolina.  Why? So that my recently graduated hubby could be a farmer. I know 2000 miles west on I-40 to be a farmer when there are so many farms in “the south”.  The thing is, they are mostly family farms, so here we are in AZ so he can be a professional wine grape grower/farmer/disease consultant.  I’m still working part time, but what I have learned so far about being a farmer’s wife are the following:

  1. A working laundry machine is essential.  You would not believe the amount of layers it takes to work outside all day in Arizona.  It’s freezing until the sun comes out and then its warm, so you’ve gotta dress for both! I swear its like a weeks worth of clothes per day some days.
    Notice the Boot, not living outside as they should....

    Notice the Boots, not living outside as they should….


  2. Farmer’s need a lot of work supplies: wide brim straw hats, not-from-walmart pruning shears, a massive stanley thermos, flannel lined blye jeans, bandanas by the droves, piles of wool socks…  Oh, and new clutch pieces on the truck (no big deal). That is just so far.  Well the pruning shears are still on the list to be saved for, but one thing at a time…

    Swiffer pads on the shelf on the right. "Wine cellar" on the bottom.

    Swiffer pads on the shelf on the right. “Wine cellar” on the bottom.

  3. Work boots should definitely always live outside.  If not, they make the wood floors very dirty and you are so thankful that you found a way to make reusable swiffer pads.  But they should still live outside; swiffers cause more laundry.
  4. Speaking of dirt. Farmers come home very dirty. I am eternally grateful for the invention of a nail brush. Crucial to him not having constant dirt under his nails.
  5. People that grow wine also like to drink it. A lot. Like every day. Luckily, from what I have had so far, Arizona is making some pretty tasty wines.
Dave the truck with newly working again clutch.

Dave the truck with newly working again clutch.

So there you have it.  I’m sure I will think of more things about being married to a farmer that are semi- interesting, but until then I shall continue my quest for local products in my new locale.

et cetera